Slavery Policy

Modern Day Slavery Policy

At ProGrip Socks, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical and responsible business practices. We are dedicated to ensuring that our operations and supply chain are free from any form of modern day slavery, human trafficking, or forced labor. This Modern Day Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to prevent, detect, and mitigate these issues within our organization and throughout our supply chain.

  1. Commitment

ProGrip Socks is firmly committed to preventing modern day slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor in all its forms. We are dedicated to conducting our business with integrity, transparency, and respect for human rights.

  1. Compliance with Laws

We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning modern day slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor in the jurisdictions in which we operate.

  1. Supply Chain Due Diligence

We are dedicated to identifying and assessing the risks of modern day slavery in our supply chain. We will take the following steps:

a. Review our suppliers and business partners to assess their compliance with our values and ethical standards.

b. Collaborate with our suppliers to ensure they have adequate measures in place to prevent and address modern day slavery.

c. Conduct audits and assessments as necessary to verify compliance with our policies and relevant laws.

  1. Employee Awareness and Training

We will provide training and awareness programs to our employees, emphasizing the importance of identifying and preventing modern day slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. Employees will be encouraged to report any concerns or violations through a confidential and anonymous reporting system.

  1. Reporting Mechanisms

We will establish mechanisms for reporting concerns related to modern day slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. This includes ensuring that whistleblowers can report their concerns without fear of retaliation.

  1. Remediation

If any concerns or violations are identified within our supply chain or operations, we are committed to taking appropriate and timely corrective actions, including working with suppliers to address the issues.

  1. Transparency and Accountability

We will maintain transparency in our efforts to combat modern day slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. We will report our progress and initiatives in our annual corporate responsibility reports and other relevant documents.

  1. Continuous Improvement

ProGrip Socks will continually review and update its Modern Day Slavery Policy to reflect changing laws and best practices. We are committed to continuously improving our efforts in preventing modern day slavery and related issues.

  1. Board Oversight

The Board of Directors will oversee the implementation of this policy and hold management accountable for its effectiveness.

ProGrip Socks is dedicated to preventing modern day slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor in all aspects of our business. This policy is a living document, and we will actively work to ensure its implementation and effectiveness. We encourage all employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to join us in our commitment to upholding human rights and ethical business practices.